Certificate of Origin
Certificate of Origin

The certificate of origin is used to prove the origin of the goods to satisfy the customs or commercial requirements and certifies that they originate from Tunisia, or, on supporting documents of a third country.
Certificates of origin are in the form of:
Conventional Certificate of Origin:
- Certificate of origin established within the framework of bilateral conventions between Tunisia and a number of Arab countries (Morocco, Egypt, Jordan, Libya, Kuwait, Algeria .
- Certificate of origin established within the framework of the Convention of the Great Arab Free Trade Area: Arabic Certificate Origin..
- Certificate of Origin issued by the exporting countries beneficiaries of the Generalized System of Preferences (GSP) to the preference-giving countries: Formula A.
- Certificate of Origin for movement of goods for the export of originating products to the European Union: EUR1
- Certificate of origin of movement of goods for the export of products in the PANEUROMED area: EUROMED
Certificate of Origin of Common Law:
The Certificate of Origin of Common Law is a certificate of origin issued by the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Centre, when the rules of origin allowing the granting of a conventional certificate of origin are not met or when trade is not governed by a preferential tariff framework or at the request of the exporter.
Procedures for obtaining a Certificate of Origin
The applicant for the certificate of origin must first submit all the documents justifying the origin of the product intended for export, namely:
- Filing of the company's legal file
- Filing of the technical file
The technical file enables to justify the elements taken into account for calculating the local added value of the product.
The technical sheet must be completed for each product intended for export with the necessary supporting documents.
After technical study, the export formalities department of the CCIC ensures you the following assistance:
- Processing of your file by a qualified staff specialized in international formalities
- Information and advice
- Verification and visas documents