
- Certificate of activity
Delivered to the company on request - Certificate of management
Delivered to the company on request
The applicant for a certificate of activity and / or management, moral or physical person, must first submit a legal folder.
To download
- Certificate of origin
Issued in the framework of the participation of companies in national and / or international calls for tender and this is in application of Decree No 99-825 of April 12- 1999laying down the terms and conditions for granting the preference margin to products of Tunisian origin in the context of public contracts.
Procedures for obtaining the certificate of origin
The applicant for a attestation of origin must first submit all the documents justifying the origin of the product, namely:
- Legal file of the company
- Technical file
The technical file enables to justify the elements taken into account for calculating the local added value of the product. The Technical file must be completed for each product intended for export with the necessary supporting documents.
- Certificate of free sale
Issued to the exporting companies of the region, in application of the order of the Ministry of Commerce of March12 2018 (JORT) and is requested by the competent authorities of the importing countries.
Procedures for obtaining the certificate of free sale
The applicant for the free sale certificate must first submit a file to the Chamber, namely: